February Fun and March Madness


There’s a lot happening inside Autodesk at the beginning of our Fiscal Year 2020. FY20 has kicked off with a number of internal reorgs in various groups: as part of broader changes, the organisation to which I report – formerly known as OCTO (the Office of the Chief Technology Officer) is being renamed to Autodesk Research. Which is what’s been in my own title, anyway, as I belonged to the “research” arm of OCTO before the renaming. While I liked the name OCTO well enough (it brought plenty of opportunities to do cool things with octopuses ;-), I think the change makes a lot of sense for Autodesk: it follows a naming convention that’s common through larger tech companies with distinct organisations performing research activities.

Structurally there will be changes, too, although these will play out over the coming months. For now it’s business as usual: I’ll be continuing to work on Dasher 360 and Generative Design-related projects with Dynamo and Refinery.


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