Examples of different manufacturer products in NBS Source

NBS Source is our construction product information platform.

Whenever I am demonstrating it, I make sure that I try and show off some good examples to demonstrate the content structures.

Within this blog post, I highlight some examples below. Before I do so though, I thought it would be good to reflect on our user-focus group sessions from 3-4 years ago when we were first developing NBS Source. What did the construction professionals that we listened to tell us they wanted from construction product manufacturers?

Customer research sessions prior to developing NBS Source

Trying to arrange the main requirements into a list of ten things

So below, here are some content examples relating back to our findings of what the industry was asking for. Each example contains a screengrab and a hyperlink to the product itself.

Specification information
Example – Armour Carpet Tile from burmatex – https://nbs.fyi/SaOCqE

Note how the specification properties and values have been researched and aligned to…

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