Grids in 3D views for Revit 2022

3D Views can be enhanced by adding a background, adjusting camera positions, or changing view parameters. Using the View tab, select the Create panel, and finally select the 3D View drop-down menu.

Following the default 3D view, you can select three options:

• Camera.
• Walkthrough.
• Default 3D view.

Grids in 3D Views

Model grids can be displayed and modified in a 3D view. Annotation Categories is the tab of the Visibility or Graphic Overrides dialog box where grid visibility can be changed.

Several of the same techniques can be applied to 3D views as to 2D views, such as the following:

A. Use the Visibility or Graphic Overrides dialog to hide grids based on an element, category, or filter.

B. You can change the graphics of individual grids or based on the setting for view filtering.

C. Halftone grids can be displayed through the Display Overrides or Visibility dialog boxes.

D. You can specify the extent of the grids plane in the scope box.


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