3 Dynamo Scripts to Automate Interior Design in Revit

This post includes 3 scripts you can download to automate interior Design in Dynamo. These scripts were created by Bill Carney and included in his LinkedIn Learning course called Revit and Dynamo for Interior Design.

Bill discussed these scripts in a recent episode of Revit Pure Live:

Make sure to download all the required custom packages for Dynamo. Also, script #3 requires a custom node you need to install. Follow the instructions.

Finally, it is recommended you get familiar with the script by trying it in the sample file provided.

Thanks and good luck.

Script #1: Create Families along room BOUNDARIES

Download Dynamo Script

Download Sample File (Revit 2018)

This script allows you to create families along the boundaries of a room. In this example, we create bookshelves:

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