Amazing latest features for MEP in Revit in 2023

Using Revit 2023, you will have access to capabilities covering all phases of the mechanical and electrical design workflow, from conceptual design and analysis to production and documentation of design deliverables, as well as enhanced features to help with detailed construction design.

As a result of these enhancements, construction deliverables, such as models, are employed as part of the design process, as well as analysis as the foundation for design.

A substantial number of votes were received on the Revit Idea Station regarding BIM practitioners’ quality of life concerns.

Latest features in 2023 Revit

Here are the new features included in the 2023 Revit update:

Electrical Preliminary Design Workflow

In the most recent version of Revit for MEP for 2023, a new early-stage design process has been introduced for electrical engineers and designers.

This framework is conceptually similar to that available to mechanical engineers under the Systems Analysis…

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