What’s New In Revit 2025!

Autodesk Revit 2025 New Features

The newest release of Autodesk Revit, Revit 2025, is now available.

This version of Revit improves upon some recent years’ updates and introduces some new features that should make quite the positive impact on projects around the globe.

New Revit Home (New Feature)

Revit 2025 incorporates a new version of the Revit Home with access to your cloud data. The new Home experience brings a consistent, modern, and easier-to-use homepage that provides a more seamless method of finding models and versions to speed up your workflow.

Sheet Collections (New Feature)

Sheet Collections is a new feature that adds functionality to assign any sheet in the model into groups called Sheet Collections. This supports custom sheet organization that can be referenced across Revit (including views, schedules, and filters).

Rules for sheets are still the same as always: Each sheet still exists in one location; either inside a specific sheet collection or directly in…

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