Determining Sheet Metal Design Intent – Kickoff for Efficient Beginning

Determining Sheet Metal Design

My first question to my readers is, “How would you know that a particular 3D CAD model is to be treated as a sheet metal part?”

Well, from CAD software’s viewpoint, a sheet metal part has several limitations; and, these may vary with the software say, it might be different in SolidWorks than in Autodesk’s Inventor. A few of which will include uniform wall thickness of the part, some considerable and specific distance between two seams, non-permissible crossover bends etc.

With multiple limitations as mentioned above, it certainly becomes difficult to figure out the best place to start designing in CAD. Many times, several sheet metal design engineers see that converting a 3D CAD solid model to sheet metal part by assigning it the properties of sheet metal is an efficient way out. Other times, some may say that design engineers should pay extra attention to CAD models to be efficient in fabrication.

Figuring out efficient beginning with CAD models

Whatever it maybe, but…

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